Alex Honnold & The Honnold Foundation

Coleen Chase
November 2, 2023
5 min read

We were delighted to discover that the Honnold Foundation has a similar mission to The Solar Foundation, and that they are also working with underserved communities to provide  equitable access to solar energy. This inspiring organization also shares our belief that “small, deliberate steps can help us achieve audacious goals, and we’re here to build a brighter and more equitable world for everyone.”

A lot of climate philanthropy right now is focused on big-bet tech sort of things like carbon capture. But there’s less money going into the things that can be done here now, that actually help people.

— Alex Honnold, The Honnold Foundation

Did you know that Alex Honnold, the famous rock climber profiled in the movie Free Solo, founded the Honnold Foundation in 2012, to provide nonprofits with grants to fund solar installations? While the Honnold Foundation works primarily on community solar projects in developing countries, the foundation has also funded installations in the US—in West Virginia, New Orleans & Brooklyn.

Learn more in this interview with Alex Honnold: The Rock Climber Funding Solar Systems in Madagascar by Debra Kahn, 17 May 23, The Long Game (Politico)

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